Heaven's Design Team Wiki

This is chapter 27 in the Heaven's Design Team manga series.


In an underground colony, a hooded man is arguing with a woman. The woman is trying to stop the man from leaving the colony, claiming that it is too dangerous outside. But the man refuses, claiming that the queen is brainwashing everyone. Their conversation is interrupted by the nearby door to the outside opening. The man takes the opportunity to exit, leaving the woman begging him not to go, while a bewildered Shimoda walks in.

The woman (number 213 indicated on her chest) suddenly notices Shimoda and welcomes him to the colony (or queendom.) She informs him that it is a perfect society ruled by their queen and offers to give him the tour. As they walk, Shimoda notices that everyone looks the same regardless of gender. 213 explains that everyone aside from the queen and her husbands is an infantile worker. She shares further information with Shimoda as they make their way towards an area the workers mentioned as possible food storage.

Upon arriving, Shimoda notices that there is no food when 213 draws her sword. Shimoda panics, thinking he might be the food, only for 213 to pierce the wall next to him. Afterward, she bites into the big chunk she carved out which is actually potato, and offers some to Shimoda. She explains that her people dig tunnels through potatoes to provide safe passage as well as a source of food.

Shimoda compliments how knowledgeable 213 is. But she explains that she is only following the book of instructions that her predecessor 72 left behind. She pulls out the book and indicates the last page with blood stains and a message stating that 72 may have attempted to murder the queen. 213 is determined not to fall into the same trap.

At that moment, the queen shows up to greet Shimoda and 213. 213 asks the queen why she has appeared. The queen explains that it is her job to monitor all progress throughout the queendom and ensure that everyone is in good health. She then gives 213 a health supplement before continuing on. Shimoda comments on how magnificent the queen is. 213 explains the queendom acts as a meritocracy, where only the strongest, hardest worker can become queen. She then gives her health supplement to Shimoda.

Next, 213 shows Shimoda the nursery. However, he is shocked to see several workers acting as mattresses for the babies, three layers deep. He becomes concerned that the workers below can’t breathe despite 213 stating that it was normal. Just then, they hear some commotion down the tunnel and see a group of soldiers moving out. Shimoda asks if the soldiers are strong. But 213 explains that they are not and that their purpose is to barricade the entrances and get eaten. Shocked, Shimoda asks her why she would say that. 213 explains that she and the others are perfect beings, and if called upon, she would gladly be eaten. However, Shimoda questions whether their roles are absolute, especially in a meritocracy. This causes 213 to re-think what her departed companion was saying earlier about her being brainwashed.

At that moment, the queen comes in asking if 213 took her supplement. 213 realizes why her companion left. The health supplements were the source of the brainwashing. She then proclaims that she will become the new queen and engages the queen in combat. Shimoda watches in shock as 213 overcomes the queen. Suddenly, everything starts to fade away and after a few seconds comes back into view. Shimoda awakens to find himself back in the design department.

Both Meido and Higuchi welcome Shimoda back, who proclaims how insane the experience was. Meido asks Shimoda about her idea for “an animal that creates a perfect society.” He said that everything seemed perfect, making Meido happy. Higuchi jumps in asking how the new virtual reality system performed. Turns out, the whole experience was a virtual reality to allow one to experience an animal society from an animal’s perspective.

Shimoda claims that it was very immersive, which pleases Higuchi. Meido then shows Shimoda the final design for the animal, which is given divine approval by God. Thus the naked mole rat is born. As everyone turns to leave, Shimoda asks Meido about the contents of the health supplement, which she replies is the queen’s excrement. Shimoda is relieved that he chose not to take it.

New Animals[]

  • Naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber)