Heaven's Design Team Wiki

This is chapter 29 in the Heaven's Design Team manga series.


Continuing from the previous chapter, the team has been blown away to the Galapagos by the force of the time accelerator explosion. Shimoda and Tsuchiya (now a 30 to 40-year-old man) ponder what to do when they find Higuchi and the employee from the Insect Department. Like Tsuchiya, both have reverted to a younger age (child) from the explosion. Worried for the others, Tsuchiya asks Higuchi about the conditions of the Galápagos Islands. Higuchi sheepishly admits that it is a jungle and that Meido was running field tests on some piranhas that God approved.

Shimoda begins to panic and wants to start looking immediately. But Higuchi stops him, stating that they need a plan. Thinking quickly, Tsuchiya recalls seeing Kimura smuggling several of Shimoda's bean buns into his shirt pocket before the explosion. He deduces that if everyone was affected by the explosion, the bean buns were affected too and reverted into lima beans. Seeing the confused look on Shimoda‘s face, Tsuchiya explains that lima beans admit an odor when threatened by herbivore insects. He recalls that the Insect Department once made a predatory insect that senses that odor and attacks the herbivore. The employee from the Insect Department concurs with Tsuchiya’s statement claiming the bug is called a Mite.

Using the information, the insect employee deduces they could build a detection device based on the Mite's sensors to find the others. Shimoda is skeptical that the detector could find Kimura. But the others, knowing Kimura very well, do not doubt it will find him. Upon activating, they immediately lock onto Kimura’s location. Higuchi stays behind to fix the time accelerator, while the others go and search. A few minutes later, the group finds Kimura, now reverted to a small child, hanging from a tree. After lifting him down, Tsuchiya asks about the whereabouts of the others. Kimura claims they went flying in another direction. He also remembers hearing a splashing noise, so they must have landed near a pond. Recalling that Meido's Piranhas might be in that pond, the group hurries to find them.

At the pond, the rest of the team (all now young children) huddle together in fear, except Meido. After confirming with Meido that it is the pond containing her Piranha specimens, the group tries to think of a plan. Suddenly a Piranha jumps out at them, which Meido catches with her hand, causing the others to scream. Unharmed, Meido explains that the piranhas are not carnivorous. The idea was to make them appear like their predatory cousins to avoid predators. She tells the group that as long as they do not splash around so much, the Piranhas will not harm them.

Still concerned for their safety, the group climbs onto some nearby Victoria-Amazonica leaves. As they try to figure out what to do, they get hit by a splash of water. Kanamori assumes that Mizushima caused it and tries to tell him off, but Mizushima apologizes. He remembered he had placed some Caimans in the pond to act as predators. Suddenly, a Caiman leaps out and attacks the leaf that Mizushima and Kanamori are sitting on.

As Unabara and Meido help the two onto their leaf, the Caiman swims towards them again. In anger, Kanamori takes a root-like object from her pocket and throws it into the Caiman’s mouth. Suddenly, the Caiman turns over and floats on its back. The root that Kanamori threw was cassava, also known as the root used to make tapioca. The tapioca drink she had before was also affected by the time accelerator. Kanamori explains that unrefined cassava contains cyanide which acts as a neurotoxin. She then hurls more cassava at the Caimans but eventually runs out.

As more Caimans show up, Mizushima gets an idea. Working on the basis that crocodilians socialize through vocalization, Mizushima imitates the sound of a baby, which attracts the attention of a female. As soon as it swims up, all the males take notice, including its mate. Furious, the mate attacks the other males and chases them away. All that remains is the female. The group wonders what to do when Unabara has an idea. Earlier that day, God had assigned Unabara to create a new otter species. After admiring the cute river otter specimen he was holding, he takes out its blueprints from his pocket and makes several modifications. He turns it into a bigger, vicious version and sends it to attack the Caiman. At that moment, Shimoda and the others show up just as God sends divine approval for Unabara's design, and the Giant Otter is born.

Later, back in the Animal Department, everyone has been returned to normal after Higuchi fixed the time accelerator. Inspired by the adventure, the Insect Department plans to design an insect that cries out for help when threatened. God immediately gives divine approval, and the Riodinidae is born. Meanwhile, in Hell, the familiar that was stuck finally arrives. However, because it had been trapped during the transportation process, its torso was stretched. Yokota wondered if there was a connection error.  

New Animals[]

  • Giant Otter
  • Riodinidae