Main Rules[]
- Keep it civil: Do not make personal attacks on other people. If you need to criticize another user’s argument, do so without attacking them as a person. Do not use bigoted language, including slurs which degrade another person or group of people based on gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc.
- Be a productive member of the wiki: Contribute to the wiki in line with the established processes and conventions. Need help? Ask an administrator! Disrupting the wiki with “edit warring” over differing opinions of a topic with another user or group of users is not productive.
- Do not engage in excessive self-promotion: The wiki is a collaborative community resource for the topic at hand. It is NOT a free place to advertise your related website, YouTube channel, blog, social media account, etc. Have a question about whether your link would be welcome? Ask an administrator!
- Do not harass other users: If somebody asks you to stop posting certain content on their wall, respect their wishes. It is their wall.
- Do follow community guidelines for formatting: When a community has established formatting, it’s important to adhere to that, especially when spoiler content is involved.
Rules for Handling Misbehavior[]
Users who violate the main rules will be warned that they are violating the rules and will eventually be banned if they cause enough trouble. Users who make small-scale violations will be warned four times before being banned (in chat, warned three times, then kicked once, then chat-banned). Users who make greater violations or violate the rules after being banned for rule violations will get fewer warnings before being kicked or banned. The duration of the ban will depend on the severity of the offense, and how many times that user has been banned before.
Violations that warrant four warnings include: good-faith Constructiveness violations (users harming the wiki when they mean to be helping), being mildly insulting (Civility violation), Neutrality violations, and No Ownership violations. Violations that warrant fewer warnings include bad-faith Constructiveness violations (deliberate attempts to harm the site, also known as trolling or vandalism, these will receive only one warning) and harsher insults (three to one warnings, depending on the severity of the insults; no warnings will be given for certain threats). How mild or harsh insults count as depends on the case in question, and cannot be easily explained here without violating the rules laid out on this page.